波希米亚丑闻(MP3+中英字幕) 第8期:高贵的委托者(6)
日期:2017-03-24 11:44


As he spoke there was the sharp sound of horses' hoofs and grating wheels against the curb, followed by a sharp pull at the bell.
Holmes whistled. "A pair, by the sound," said he.
"Yes," he continued, glancing out of the window.
"A nice little brougham and a pair of beauties. A hundred and fifty guineas apiece.
There's money in this case, Watson, if there is nothing else."
"I think that I had better go, Holmes."
"Not a bit, Doctor. Stay where you are. I am lost without my Boswell.
And this promises to be interesting. It would be a pity to miss it."
"But your client..."
"Never mind him. I may want your help, and so may he. Here he comes.
Sit down in that armchair, Doctor, and give us your best attention."

福尔摩斯探案集 波希米亚丑闻

A slow and heavy step, which had been heard upon the stairs and in the passage, paused immediately outside the door.
Then there was a loud and authoritative tap. "Come in!" said Holmes.
A man entered who could hardly have been less than six feet six inches in height, with the chest and limbs of a Hercules.
His dress was rich with a richness which would, in England, be looked upon as akin to bad taste.
Heavy bands of astrakhan were slashed across the sleeves and fronts of his double-breasted coat,
while the deep blue cloak which was thrown over his shoulders was lined with flame-coloured silk
and secured at the neck with a brooch which consisted of a single flaming beryl.
Boots which extended halfway up his calves, and which were trimmed at the tops with rich brown fur,
completed the impression of barbaric opulence which was suggested by his whole appearance.

  • authoritativeadj. 权威性的,命令式的
  • spokev. 说,说话,演说
  • impressionn. 印象,效果
  • gratingn. 格子 adj. 磨擦的 动词grate的现在分词
  • curbn. 抑制,勒马绳,边石,路缘 vt. 抑制,束缚,牵(
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • furn. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品 vt. 用毛皮制作,用
  • extendedadj. 延续的,广大的,扩大范围的 动词extend的
  • pityn. 同情,怜悯,遗憾,可惜 v. 同情,怜悯