The difference between the extremely happy people and extremely unhappy people is not that one gets sad.
极其快乐的人和极其不快乐的人 区别不是在于一个会伤心
Of upset, or anxious, or depressed; and the other does not.
难过 焦虑或抑郁 而另一个不会
Both groups do. It's how quickly.
两类人都会 区别在于他们能够多么迅速
How promptly we can recover from these painful emotions in other words, how strong our psychological immune system is.
多么快速地从痛苦情绪中恢复过来 换言之 我们的心理免疫系统有多强
And our psychological immune system strengthens when we give ourselves the permission to be human.
我们的心理免疫系统会加强 当我们准许自己为人时
Many of you've probably read this, come across this, but I think this captures.
很多同学可能读到过这首诗 听说过这首诗 它非常好地阐述了
So well the foundation of what it means to be actively accepting. This has become the official mantra in many ways of the AA movement:.
主动接受含义的基础 它已成为AA运动的正式圣言
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can change;.
主啊 请赐我安详 接纳我不能改变的事物 请赐我勇气 去改变我可以改变的东西
And wisdom to know the difference. The wisdom to know the difference.
并赐我智慧去认识这两者的差别 认识两者差别的智慧
Fortunately, a lot of this wisdom can come from studies, from research, from deep introspection that.
幸运的是 这样的智慧可以通过学习获得 通过研究和在这个学期
You will do throughout the semester. What I want to do now is an exercise.
进行的深刻反省中获得 现在我想做个练习
I want to do a group meditation. Trying to understand.
我想做一次群体冥想 希望你们理解
Not just on the cognitive level of the research, but also to experience on the visceral emotional level.
不只是在研究的认知层面上 还要在内心情感层面上去体会
What it really means to give ourselves the permission to be human.