英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第427期:十二生肖英语怎么说?
日期:2017-02-20 09:00


Dialogue 1 Year of the Chicken or Year of the Rooster?
对话1 鸡年是Chicken 还是 Rooster?

Jingjing: Long time, no see, Mark. Happy Year of the Rooster!
Mark: It's great to see you, Jingjing. Happy New Year! Thanks for covering my extended vacation.
Jingjing: I just hope you had a good chance to travel and relax during the holiday.
Mark: For sure. By the way, I'm wondering if you think it's right to call it the year of the rooster or the year of the chicken.
马克:那必须的。对了,我想知道你认为应该称鸡年为“the year of the rooster”还是“the year of the chicken”。
Jingjing: Well, I've heard both in English. Of course, in Chinese, it's 鸡年(jīnián), which translates directly to chicken year.
京晶:哦,两种英文说法我都听说过。当然,中文是鸡年(jīnián),直接翻译成英文就是chicken year。
Mark: That's true for all 12 of the animals on the Chinese zodiac, isn't it? It's just the basic word for the animal.
Jingjing: Yes. It doesn't specify male or female. 公鸡 (gōngjī) is the Chinese word for rooster. But we don't say 公鸡年 (gōngjīnián).
京晶:是的,并不具体指出是公的还是母的。rooster的中文是公鸡 (gōngjī),但是我们并不说公鸡年 (gōngjīnián)。
Mark: A lot of people think you should go with the word that sounds more majestic, like rooster, ram, or boar.
Jingjing: Don't you think so also?
Mark: I would, but a lot of the animals are just called by their basic names. It's kind of a stretch to look for a different word for a chicken that sounds majestic, when the same process would get people mixed up between a rat and a rabbit.
Jingjing: A male rabbit is called a buck, right?
Mark: Yeah, but nobody uses that word, unless they're breeding rabbits. If I said I saw a buck in the forest, people would think I saw a male deer.
Jingjing: So, we should just stick with the basic names for animals.
Mark: Yeah. Call a chicken a chicken.


Dialogue 2 The Chinese Zodiac Abroad
对话2 外国人也知道中国十二生肖吗?

Jingjing: I was wondering, Mark, do people outside of Asia use the Chinese zodiac very much?
Mark: Most people know their own animal year.
Jingjing: Do you remember when you learned yours?
Mark: Yeah. I was in a Chinese restaurant in Vail, Colorado. We were waiting for our food and looking at the placemats, which had been printed with the Chinese zodiac.
Jingjing: Were you excited to learn about your animal year?
Mark: I was, because I'm a dragon. I was with my family. Some of my relatives were like, “oh, I'm a monkey,” or, “I didn't know I was a pig.”
Jingjing: Hold up. Monkeys and pigs are not seen as good animals in America?
Mark: We don't have the legend of the Monkey King from Journey to the West there.
Jingjing: What about pigs?
Mark: They're thought of as sloppy and lazy. But I understand that in China it's good fortune to be born in a year of the pig.
Jingjing: You got it. You can expect to see a lot of pregnant ladies when the year of the pig rolls around.
Mark: I can picture it now: dozens of soon-to-be mothers rolling around the shopping mall.
Jingjing: You might steer clear of the shopping mall that year, unless you're expecting.
Mark: Yeah. It'll be a good year for online shopping!
