Voice 1: The Marathon Des Sables is a seven day race. The race is separated into six different parts. The first three parts involve running about thirty-two kilometres each day. In the fourth part people run about eighty kilometres. The people get forty hours to run these eighty kilometres. The fifth part is a full marathon. The people must complete just over forty-two kilometres. And finally, in the sixth part, runners must run fourteen to nineteen kilometres to the finish line. In all, runners complete a total of five marathons.
声音1:撒哈拉沙漠马拉松是一项为期7天的赛事 。这项赛事包括6个阶段 。前3个阶段要求每天奔跑32公里 。在第4阶段,参赛者每天要跑8公里左右 。参赛者要在40个小时内完成80公里 。第5阶段是全程马拉松 。参赛者必须完成42公里 。最后,参赛者必须在第6阶段奔跑14至19公里,直至终点线 。这相当于参赛者一共要完成5个马拉松的距离 。
Voice 2: People competing in the race must run across all kinds of land. They must run up sand dunes, or hills. They must run over salt flats and dried up river beds. They must run through rocky, flat desert fields and ancient dried up lakes. Sometimes the runners may even pass through a small desert village.
声音2:参与这项赛事的人必须在各种土地上奔跑 。他们必须在沙丘和山上奔跑 。他们必须在盐滩和干涸的河床上奔跑 。他们必须在布满岩石的平坦沙漠区域和古老的干涸河流中奔跑 。有时参赛者甚至要穿过小型的沙漠村庄 。