日期:2016-10-20 08:33



More meaningful and also, more successful as it turns out. But more importantly, more successful in

使生活更有意义 更成功更重要的是 我将 更成功

What I call the the ultimate currency just as the currency of happiness and wellbeing.

称之为 终极货币 正如快乐货币和幸福货币一样

The reason is because there are two different approaches to deal with illness: one, the positive psychological approach is

究其原因 是因为有两种不同的方法对付疾病 一是积极心理学方法

That the illness is the absence of health, as opposed to health is the absence of illness.

它指的是 疾病相当于不健康相对地 健康等于没疾病

I mean, think about the disease model. The disease model is we are sick because we are ill

我们想一下疾病模式疾病模式是 我们感到不适是因为生病了

Do you listen to that? We are sick because we are ill. That was very profound.


You should think about it for a while here. I'll let a time just to marinate it little bit so that you can.


Let me start that again. If we take away the illness, then we become healthy.

我重新说一遍如果治好病 就会变得健康

That's the model, the conventional model. Take away the illness. You'll become healthy. It's good.

这是个传统的模型把病治好 就会变得健康 这很好

The positive psychological model is slightly different. It is


You are ill because you don't have enough health in your life, because you are not pursuing those things that make you healthy .

你生病了 是因为你的生活还不够健康因为你不去追求那些让你健康的东西

And what make you healthy? The things I spoke about before: pursuing meaning, purpose;

什么使你健康?这我之前已谈过 追求有意义的生活 人生的目的




