日期:2016-08-08 17:01


Battle lines
The prospect of Trump v Clinton is grim. But look carefully and 2016 offers a faint promise of something better
HILLARY CLINTON will be the Democratic nominee; the man most likely to face her in November on the Republican ticket is Donald Trump.
1 battle line 战线;
2 faint 微弱的,暗淡的,虚弱的火线;
3 grim 令人不快的;令人沮丧的
4 nominee 被提名人;被任命者
5 Republican ticket (政党、团体的) 候选人名单
6 prospect 前景
Those are the battle lines after the primaries on Super Tuesday. In many ways this is profoundly gloomy. Mr Trump has said ever more repellent things about immigrants, women and Muslims and declined to condemn white supremacists. But he changes his sales pitch as easily as his socks: in a speech after winning seven out of 11 states, he stopped snarling and tried to sound presidential. It would be unwise to underestimate his ability to feign gravitas and transform himself into an apparent centrist.
1 profoundly 极大地;深刻地
2 gloomy 黑暗的; 令人沮丧的; 前景黯淡的; 悲观的,阴郁的;
3 repellent 让人很不愉快;令人厌恶
4 condemn 谴责,指责
5 supremacists 种族优越论者
6 sales pitch 推销商品用语;商品宣传语
7 snarl咆哮着说;不耐烦地说
8 feign 假装,装作,佯装
9 gravitas 严肃;庄严
10 apparent 显而易见;明白易懂;显然
11 centrist(政治上的)中立派; 温和派;
12 decline 婉拒;谢绝
The only obstacle between Mr Trump and the Oval Office would be Mrs Clinton. She is a formidable and in some ways admirable candidate, but flawed. She is unloved by bits of her party’s base and subject to an investigation into whether she mishandled classified information.
1 obstacle 障碍;阻碍;
2 formidable 绊脚石 可怕的;令人敬畏的;难对付的
3 the Oval Office(美国白宫的)椭圆形办公室,总统办公室
4 flawed 有错误的;有缺点的;有瑕疵的
5 investigation(正式的)调查,侦查
Small wonder that so many who contemplate American politics today sink into despair. But with a large dose of optimism and continued faith in the good sense of American voters, it is just possible to see November’s election in a more positive light. The vote for the presidency could yet yield the reshaping of the two main parties and a political realignment that leads to a less stagnant and gridlocked government.
1 small wonder 不足为奇;并不奇怪
2 contemplate 考虑;思量;思忖
3 dose 一剂,一服
4 yield 接名词短语出产(作物);产生(收益、效益等);提供
5 realign 调整位置(或方向) 改变观点,改变策略(以与别人相同)
6 stagnant 停滞的;不发展的;无变化的
7 gridlock 僵局 good sense 正确的决策力(或判断力);理智 reshape 重塑;改组

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