创业成功人士访谈录(MP3+中英字幕) 第28期:皮埃尔奥米迪亚(3)
日期:2016-07-14 17:24



Were you a good student?


I was one of these guys that didn’t really study, so I don’t think I was a good student.


I am very proud to say that I graduated from Tufts University with better than a 3.0 average. It was actually 3.01.

我很骄傲自己从托弗斯大学 毕业,而自己的成绩要高于平均的3.0,确切的说是3.01。

During my entire four years there at Tufts my GPA improved every single semester, which gives you an idea of where I started. No, I was not a good student.


Were there any subjects you were particularly interested in? Any books that influenced or were important to you?

你对哪个科目特别感兴趣呢?有 没有什么书给你带来很大的影响或者对你来说很重要?

I’ve been asked before, “Who are your heroes?” and these types of questions.


I always find it hard to identify a single person or a single book or this sort of thing.I’ve always been forward looking.


I was raised with the notion that you can do pretty much anything you want.


You’re able to accomplish anything you set out to accomplish.


I was given a sense of confidence and I never really felt the need to~or I’ve never had the benefit, I should probably say—of being inspired by outside heroes.


But early on you were interested in gadgets, including computers. How did this manifest itself?

但是之前你对小装置包括电脑感 兴趣。你对这怎么解释?

I’ve always been into the gadgets and I guess when I first saw a computer—I’m trying to think if it was third—it might have been third grade.


It was pretty early on actually and it was an early TRS-80, you know, Radio Shack. Kind of the original Radio Shack TRS-80 computer, 4K of memory.

那是很早的时候,是早期的TRS-80,你知道吧,Radio Shack。就是类似于原始的Radio Shack TRS-80计算机。它的内存是4K,

I think this one had the 4K or the 8K expansion module, which was like as big as a desk, you know, and learned how to program Basic on it.


And I used to actually cut gym and sneak into the computer room—which wasn’t really a room, it was a closet where they kept the computer between classes一 and played on the computer.

