Couldn't figure it out. So it will be available within a day or two after. And the reason why they are up there.
但效果不好 所以会在课后一两天内放到网上 这样做的原因
First of all, I do prefer that you attend lecture. I do prefer that you are physically here. You get things in the energy of the room with so many students
首先 我当然更希望你们出席课程 能出现在课堂里 和大家一起 在课堂的气氛中学习
So you wouldn't just get from your computer. The reason why I do put them up is so that you have the opportunity if you want to see it again or if you have to miss a class.
而不是仅仅对着电脑 我之所以把资料放在网上是为了 让你们可以重温或者学习错过的课程
That's perfectly fine. And also because, and this is also the reason why the power points are always available,
这很正常 另一个原因 之所以提前提供幻灯片
I want you to be engaged in the material. I want you to be engaged in whatever it is that we are discussing in class. Not necessarily thinking about getting down every word that I say on paper,
我希望你们能充分理解材料 充分参与课堂讨论 而不是忙于记录我说的每一个字
Remembering everything, memorizing everything. I want you to take rather than passive notes of writing down what is on the power point or every word that I say.
记住每一个词 背诵每一句话 我不希望你们被动地记录 幻灯片上的内容或者我说的话
I'd like you to take active notes. And that means being engaged with the material. For example, if you heard something and idea and you say,
而是要主动记录 也就是要充分理解材料 比如 如果你们听到某个理论 觉得
"Oh, that's interesting." Star it. Write it down. Or "Ok I think i'll start applying this."
"挺有趣的" 标上星号 写下来 或者觉得"也许我可以应用这点"
Write it down. "Or I want to tell my mom about this later." Or "I want to talk to my roommates or my team about this idea."
那就写下来 或者"跟我妈妈讲讲" 或者"跟我室友队友讲讲"
Write it down. Active note-taking is opposed to passive note-taking for two reasons. First of all, as I said,
那就写下来 主动笔记与被动笔记有两方面不同 首先 正如我刚才说的
This class is a class about making a difference in people's lives. I would not be teaching the class just for its academic beauty, although there is a lot of academic beauty in this field.
这门课是关于如何改变生活 我不会仅为了学术之美而教授此课 虽然这一领域的确有许多学术之美
So write down if you have an idea that you think you can apply. The second reason why we should that is because you'll remember more. Better attention, better understanding of the material if you are actively engaged,
所以发现可以实际运用的 就写下来 第二个原因是 你会记住更多 主动参与 集中注意 更好地理解材料