日期:2016-03-01 16:58
Dicaprio scores his first Oscar for Best Actor
Leonardo DiCaprio finally got his Best-Actor award on his sixth nomination; 'Spotlight' got Best Picture, and 'Mad Max: Fury Road' took home six trophies.
莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥终于在第6次提名时荣获奥斯卡最佳男主角 。《聚焦》夺得奥斯卡最佳影片奖,《疯狂的麦克斯 狂暴之路》斩获6项大奖 。
There were upsets and surprises, but Leonardo Di Caprio's Best-Actor victory was not one of them.
奥斯卡向来都不乏失落和惊喜,但莱昂纳多迪·迪卡普里奥荣获最佳男主角并非其中之一 。
His portrayal of backwoodsman Hugh Glass, who is bent on revenge after his son is murdered, has been hailed as a great feat not just of acting but of endurance.
他所饰演的休·格拉斯,是一个在儿子被谋杀后一心想复仇的荒野蛮人 。他的表演被誉为“不仅演技精湛,而且耐力超凡 。”
