Chinese travel back to work after week-long holiday
春节假期结束 人们返程投入到工作当中
Saturday was the last day of the week-long Spring Festival holiday.
周六是春节一周假期的最后一天 。
Chinese journeyed back to the cities where they work.
人们纷纷开始返回他们所工作的城市 。
Surging passenger flows have been witnessed across the country.
全国各地再次迎来了交通运输的高峰 。
Rail authorities said more than 10.3 million rail journeys were made Saturday alone, the peak of this Spring Festival travel rush.
铁路局表示仅周六一天就有1030多万人选择铁路—达到了今年春运的峰值 。
Many chose to travel on high-speed trains.
而其中许多旅客选择乘坐高铁 。
According to the civil aviation authority, 8.5 million trips were made by air during the seven-day holiday. That translated to more than 70,000 flights, nearly seven percent more than last year.
民航局表示春节假日7天国内航空公司执行航班7万余班,运送旅客855万人次,同比增长近7% 。
The return travel rush was also seen on the road.
还有很多人选择陆路交通 。
But snowy weather and heavy smog disrupted traffic, with 69 highways temporarily closed in Northern China Saturday.
但下雪及大雾天气导致交通受阻,中国北方69条高速公路暂时关闭 。