CCTV9视频新闻:中国首颗天文卫星悟空发射 探测暗物质粒子
日期:2015-12-17 18:31
China to launch satellite seeking dark matter
中国首颗天文卫星悟空发射 探测暗物质粒子
China is scheduled to launch a Dark Matter Particle Explorer Satellite at the end of this year.
中国预定于今年年底发射一颗暗物质粒子探测卫星 。
The satellite, named "WU KONG", will observe the direction, energy and electric charge of high-energy particles in space in search of dark matter. DAMPE will have the widest observation spectrum and highest energy resolution of any dark matter probe in the world.
以“悟空”为名的暗物质粒子探测卫星将探测太空高能粒子的方向、能量和电荷 。在全球暗物质探测器中,该暗物质粒子探测卫星拥有最广泛的观测频带和最高能的分辨率 。