China opens its first cultural center in Tanzania
China opened its first cultural centre in Tanzania's capital Dar es Salaam Monday. This is also the first Chinese cultural centre in the eastern Africa region.
东部非洲地区首个中国文化中心在坦桑尼亚最大城市达累斯萨拉姆正式揭牌 。
Tanzania's former prime minister Mizengo Pinda and the permanent secretary of Tanzania's Cultural Ministry Gabriel Sinimbo opened the cultural centre in downtown Dares Salaam.
中国驻坦桑尼亚大使吕友清、坦桑尼亚前总理平达、新闻青年文化体育部常务秘书加布里埃尔及各界代表一百余人出席揭牌仪式 。
Pinda spoke highly of China-Tanzania relations at the opening ceremony. The friendship between the two countries dates back to the 1960s when diplomatic relations were established.
平达在致辞中高度评价了坦中友好关系 。他说,文化关系是坦中关系的重要组成部分,希望中国文化中心的成立能为推动两国文化领域的合作发挥积极的作用 。