CCTV9视频新闻:央行11月发行新版百元面值纸币 图案有调整
日期:2015-11-11 17:21
China's central bank is planning to issue a new 100 yuan banknote in November.
央行11月发行新版百元面值纸币 图案有调整
The central bank said on Monday that the note's design has been updated so it could be more easily identified by vending machines and automatic teller machines.
周一央行表示新版纸币的设计已经更新,这样自动售货机和自动取款机就更容易识别 。
The new note will be the third edition of the fifth series, which was introduced in 1999. The second edition was issued in 2005.
2015年版第五套人民币100元纸币在维持2005年版第五套人民币100元基本不变的情况下,对部分图案做了适当调整,对整体防伪性能进行了提升 。
