日期:2015-10-28 15:26
Japan says summit with S. Korea not confirmed
Japan says a long-awaited summit with South Korea is not yet confirmed.
日本方面表示与韩国的高层期待已久的会晤尚未最终确认 。
On Monday, a spokeswoman for the South Korean president said Seoul had proposed a summit between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and President Park Geun-Hye on the sidelines of a three-way leadership meeting with China in Seoul next week.
周一韩国总统的一位发言人表示首尔方面提议将在下周举行日本首相安倍晋三、韩国总统朴槿惠与中方领导人共同出席的三方领导人峰会 。
Tokyo did not immediately comment on Monday and Japan's top government spokesman was vague on the issue today, less than a week before the proposed November 2 meeting.
周一东京并未立即就此发表评论 。而直到今天日本政府方面发言人的态度仍含糊不清,而距11月2日的峰会召开仅剩不到一周的时间 。
