Thousands demonstrate to condemn Ankara attack
Thousands of people marched through the southeastern Turkish city of Diyarbakir on Sunday to condemn the worst terrorist attack in Turkey's modern history.
数千人于周日在土耳其东南部城市迪亚巴克尔游行以谴责土耳其现代史上这最为严重的一次恐怖袭击 。
Demonstrators held up their fists and peace signs as they marched through the city, waving flags and venting their anger at the Turkish government, which they accused of lax security at the rally where the bombings occurred.
示威者们在游行中举起拳头及和平标识、挥舞着旗帜向政府发泄他们的愤怒,他们指责政府在爆炸发生地即集会地的安保松懈 。
"We're here to say that these bombs don't scare us, to raise our voices even more against them, and to protest against this violence.
“我们来这里是为了表明这些炸弹吓不倒我们,我们来此是为了进行抗议,是为了抗议这种暴力 。