躺着学英语1(MP3+文本) 第1期:听声辨字
日期:2015-07-17 10:42


Perpetual a. 永久的;
No matter what he did to destroy the weeds, they would return; they were a perpetual source of trouble to him.

Sempiternal a. 永久的,永恒的;
The disagreement between the children; was a continuation of the sempiternal feud between the families.

Ephemeral a. 短暂的;
As the eighty-year-old man reflected on his life, he realized that for him the joys of life were ephemeral; it seemed as though yesterday he was just a young man.

Evanescent a. 易逝的,会凋零的;
She was determined to be a lasting success; unlike her sister she would not depend on evanescent fame and fortune.

Consonance n. 一致,调和;
As the newlyweds walked along the beach, they experienced a feeling of deep consonance; it was as though their hearts beat as one.

Felicitous a. 怡当的;得体的;
His behavior was felicitous; it was always perfect for the occasion.

Decorous a. 有礼貌的;鳙庄的;严谨的;
It was difficult for the ring bearer to remain decorous during the ceremony; it was not in his nature to remain still and quiet.

Grandiose a. 宏伟的,堂皇的;
The grandiose ballroom of the hotel, seemed ill-fitted for the small wedding reception.

Nonesuch n. 无以匹敌的人,典范;
He is the nonesuch of dry humor, no one tells jokes with quite his style and wit.
他说笑话时总是泰然自若地,那份风采和机智无 人能比。

Quintessence n. 精华;精髄;典范;
His poem summed up the quintessence of the American dream: a nice home, comfortable life-style and a happy family.
