日期:2015-06-30 14:46
Hefei-Fuzhou high-speed railway opens today
A high-speed railway between Hefei and Fuzhou, capital cities of Southeast Anhui and Fujian provinces, has come into operation today.
合肥至福州的高铁于今日起正式开通 。
The 800 kilometer railway, with a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour, goes through Anhui, Jiangxi and Fujian provinces.
这段总长800公里,时速350公里的路线途径安徽、江西和福建 。
It is the fourth double-tracked electric railway in the country after the Beijing-Tianjin, Wuhan-Guangzhou, and Zhengzhou-Xi'an high-speed railways.
这是继北京至天津、武汉至广州、郑州至西安高铁之后的第4条双轨电气铁路 。
It will take an hour to travel from Fuzhou to Wuyi Mountain, three hours to He-fei and seven hours to Beijing.
现在从福州到武夷山耗时1小时、到合肥需要3小时、到北京需要7小时 。