英语PK台(MP3+文本) 第101期:神器在手 从此自拍不求人(1)
日期:2015-06-04 14:42


21世纪的超级自拍神器从问世那天开始就注定要革新人类摄影模式,搭配手机使用,从此自拍更随心,合影无极限,彻底解决“无路人不拍照”的不便,已成为本世纪最火发明之一。在世界范围内,包括美国总统奥巴马和韩国总统朴槿惠都是它的忠实使用者。这两年,随着自拍杆在世界范围内迅速蹿红,甚至演变出“自拍文化”,牛津大学出版社2013年曾将“自拍”评为年度词汇,自拍杆亦被评为2014年25大最佳新发明之一。那么,自拍神器好用吗?good or bad ? 你是一个自拍成瘾的人吗?yes or no? 今天真是有太多可聊,当然我们的口语主题就是世界级神棍Selfie Stick!!

神器在手 从此自拍不求人

XG:What’s that in your hand, Jing Jing?
JJ:It’s a selfie stick. Isn’t it cool? Here, let’s take a picture together. We don’t even need anyone else to hold the camera for us. The selfie stick will do all the work. Say cheese!
XG:Wow, cool. So that’s what those things are. I’ve seen them all over the place but I never knew what they were until now.
JJ:Yeah, they’re all the rage right now. A lot of celebrities have been known to use them. Don’t you want one now?
XG:No, that’s alright. —————————————————— I see a lot of self-absorbedpeople who take selfies on the subway and on the street. And what’s worse, people put their selfies on WeChat and Weibo constantly. I’m getting sick of it!
JJ:Taking selfies aren’t just for people who are in love with themselves. A lot of tourists use selfie sticks because they’re so convenient. —————————————————
XG:Yeah, I guess you have a point. Hey, they seem kinda dangerous though. They are so long.
JJ:They have been banned in a lot of places on the grounds of safety and inconvenience to others. For example, the Australian music festival Soundwave banned selfie sticks. They’ve also been banned in some museums and art galleries because of concerns about possible damage to art works as well as disruption to other visitors.
XG:Sounds like you should be careful with your selfie stick.
JJ:Come on, let’s take one more picture. Cheese!

New words for dialogue:
All the rage =
Narcissistic =
Self-absorbed =
A pain in the neck =
Ban =
On the grounds of =

