Some of the earliest photographs of old Beijing are set to go up for sale in London on Tuesday. Shot more than 150 years ago, the 18 pictures reveal a Chinese capital long since gone. At the time, they were the first images of China most Europeans had ever seen.When they come up for auction at Sotheby's, it's believed bidders from around the world -- and in particular China -- will value the pictures at around half a million dollars. The price tag on these photographs a reflection of their unique nature.
2013年5月14日举行「旅行、地图及自然历史」拍卖会,隆重呈献一系列中国百年珍贵老照片,包括历史上首张天津大沽炮台全景图及首张北京城全景图。本辑照片由摄影师菲力斯•比托(Felice Beato)于1860年拍摄,展现与今日中国截然不同、且为人所淡忘的景观与城市风貌。本系列18张照片中,最为瞩目的实为一幅气势磅礴的北京城全景图。这幅作品为摄影师于1860年10月24日在老北京城墙上拍摄,是历史上首幅北京城全景图,呈现出当时北京城以及紫禁城的内景面貌。此外,本辑作品尚包括圆明园、颐和园,以及北京其他风景胜地的照片,尽显旧时京城风光;整辑照片估价为10万至20万英镑/125万至250万港元。