China not only has the world's largest population, but also the best appetite for instant noodles. The country remained the world's top instant noodles consumer last year, according to Osaka-based World Ramen Association in Japan.
44-billion packets of instant noodles were eaten by people in China in 2012. Indonesia and Japan followed with over 14 billion packets and 5.4 billion. Another way of looking at the numbers in the number one consumer China—that's close to 1,400 packets put away every single second. Among people living fast-paced city-life, the speedy meal has cemented its popularity. And being cheap, easy to carry and cook, its convenience also makes it a top choice to bring on long-distance travel, especially during the spring festival.
2012年,中国 “吃掉”440亿块,印尼140亿块,日本54亿块。在方便面第一消费国—中国,每秒钟有将近1400 人在吃方便面。 随着城市生活节奏的加快,快餐站稳了脚跟。方便面廉价、便于携带和食用,成为长途旅行,特别春节假期旅游时的首选食品。
It is also the choice hand out to relieve hunger under post-disaster conditions. As the pictures show, it was a staple for victims and rescuers after the Lushan quake during the past week.