The BBC is asking its staff to tone down the tweets. Some of the its 20,000 staff, including well-known personalities have taken to social media to discuss woes with the recent child sex-abuse scandal.
Fran Unsworth, the new head of BBC News, sent out an email urging staff to pull together and advised against playing out the recent scandals on social media.
BBC新任总裁Fran Unsworth发出邮件,敦促员工齐心协力反对在社会媒体上传播丑闻。
BBC's top executive has already resigned. Two more have also temporarily stepped down and others are facing disciplinary proceedings. Meanwhile, police said Michael Souter, who formerly worked for BBC Radio, was charged with indecent assault and sex offences against boys. The crimes allegedly took place between 1979 and 1999 in Norfolk.
BBC最高执行官已经辞职,另两位官员也已暂时离职,其他人将面临违规调查。同时,警察说前BBC员工Michael Souter被指控犯有强暴猥亵男童罪和性侵男童罪。据调查,该犯罪行为于1979年-1999年之间发生于诺福克。