Beer lovers may soon be feeling the blues in Germany. The world's largest beer festival, Oktoberfest, has drawn to a close after some 6.4 million visitors downed an estimated 6.9 million liter mugs of Bavarian brew in the city of Munich. It was also estimated that visitors ate a total of 116 oxen.
The 179th annual festival ended with a traditional gun salute. Organizers said they were satisfied with this year's event, which opened Sept. 22 and ended Sunday, although visitor numbers were lower than last year. Festival director Dieter Reiter says that's because the festival grounds were reduced to accommodate an agricultural fair which takes place every four years.
第179届慕尼黑啤酒节以传统方式-鸣枪响炮宣告结束。今年的啤酒节于9月22日开始并于上周日结束,尽管游客数量低于去年,但主办方表示他们对今年的啤酒节很满意。啤酒节董事Dieter Reiter 说今年游客数量比去年低是因为之前该场地被用于开展每四年一次的农业展览会。
In 2011, the Oktoberfest drew some 6.9 million visitors, who downed well over 7 million liters. The beer festival draws visitors from across the world, many of whom join the party in traditional Bavarian dress.