Siheyuan, or the traditional Chinese courtyard is an ancient style of architecture typical to Beijing, and an important aspect of the city’s cultural heritage. This month five courtyard hotels have opened to visitors for free.
四合院,中国传统的家庭庭院,是典型的北京古式建筑,也是北京重要的古文化遗址 。本月有五家四合院免费对外开放 。
The five courtyards can be found in Qianmen Street, a famous old commercial street located at the central axis of Beijing. These are no ordinary residential buildings, and each has a bewitching charm redolent of the rich flavor of old Beijing.
这五家四合院都在前门大街,古代时候是一处著名的商业街,位于北京市中轴线上 。这些免费开放的四合院都非平常人家,而是富贵人家的庭院,处处都彰显着富贵之气 。
A visitor said, "I’m sightseeing in Beijing. The buildings here have been very well-preserved. It’s very good."
一名参观者表示:“我是来北京游览的,这里的建筑能保存的这么完整,真是太好了 。”
The siheyuan courtyard, representative of traditional Beijing architecture, is designed to be enclosed and inward-facing. All four sides face the inner courtyard and are protected from the harsh climate. It offers space, comfort and quiet privacy. All the rooms around the courtyard have large windows facing onto the yard.
作为北京传统建筑的代表,四合院一般都是四面合围,东南西北四个方向上的建筑朝里而建,从而起到互相提供保护的作用 。这些建筑里空间很足,同时舒适性和隐私性也能得到保证 。另外所有的建筑都有一个朝内而开的大窗户 。
A hotel manager said, "The visitors are all very interested. And we’ve arranged a tour guide to take them through the history of the building."
一家四合院宾馆的经理说:“这些游客都很感兴趣 。我们这里安排有导游来给游客们讲解这些建筑的历史 。”
Five residential "siheyuan" opened to the public earlier this year. And five more, in this old part of the city, will open to visitors for free later this year.
本年早些时候已经有五家居民四合院对公众开放,现在将有另外五座四合院对外开放 。