Andthe Olympic torch relay continued its trek throughout Great Britain, and on Tuesday the flame received the Royal treatment as the journey came to Windsor Castle. And that included a first meeting with Queen Elizabeth II.
Thetorchbearer 74-year-old Gina Macgregor was caught in a sudden downpour as she came onto the grounds of Windsor castle.
Thenas the skies cleared the Queen and her husband Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinborough, met with several other torch-bearers and officials.
Shewas also given an up close look at how a torch is lit. Day 53 of the relay also included a meeting with LOCOG Chairman Lord Sebastien Coe. It is less than three weeks before the torch is lit in London to signal the start of the 30th Olympiad.
女王殿下还近距离查看了火炬是如何点燃的。当天是奥运圣火在英国传递的第53天,而接见伦敦奥组委主席Sebastien Coe也是当天的一项任务。距离在伦敦点燃圣火宣告第30界奥运会开幕还有不到3个星期的时间。