日期:2011-11-23 11:38
In the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, the Pangani river is at the centre of a struggle for water. Poor rainfall in recent years has left the land, the dams, the people and animals thirsty for water. Demand is growing even as supplies diminish. Without intervention the outlook is bleak. Earth Report investigates the shortages, the conflicts and the plans to safeguard the health of the Pangani river basin.
在乞力马扎罗山的阴影下,潘加尼河在当中挣扎着 。近年来可怜的降雨量已经远离这片土地,大坝、人类和动物们对水的渴求已经到了一定程度 。需求量增长而供应量减少 。没有外界条件干预进来,前景十分黯淡 。本期地球报告节目给您展示的是潘加尼河流域的水资源短缺,冲突及健康保护计划 。
1. struggle v. 挣扎
2. rainfall n. 降雨
3. thirsty a. 口渴