日期:2011-03-23 09:51


Don't make me think:
a common sense approach to web usability
common sense 常识,众听周知的事情
approach 方法,办法
Don't Make Me Think
a common sense approach to web usability
premise 前提
revolve 围绕,旋转
cognitive strain 认知上的压力
assumption 假设
hard facts 难以否认的事实
topnotch 一流的
The title of the book is its chief personal design premise.
All of the tips, techniques,
and examples presented revolve around users
being able to surf merrily through a well-designed site
with minimal cognitive strain.
Readers will quickly come to agree
with many of the book's assumptions,
such as "We don't read pages
--we scan them" and "We don't figure out
how things work--we muddle through."
Coming to grips with such hard facts
sets the stage for Web design
that then produces topnotch sites.
diagram 图表
informative sidebars 边角位置上的资讯
conventions 惯例
content layout 内容布局
rollover 翻转效果
Using an attractive mix of full-color screen shots,
cute cartoons and diagrams, and informative sidebars,
the book keeps your attention
and drives home some crucial points.
Much of the content is devoted to proper use of conventions
and content layout,
and the "before and after" examples are superb.
Topics such as the wise use of rollovers
and usability testing are covered
using a consistently practical approach.
This is the type of book
you can blow through in a couple of evenings.
But despite its conciseness,
it will give you an expert's ability to judge Web design.
You'll never form a first impression of a site
in the same way again.
User patterns 用户模式
Designing for scanning 便于浏览的网页设计
Wise use of copy 聪明地运用模仿
Navigation design 导航设计
Home page layout 主页的布局
Usability testing 易用性测试
This is how it should be done
I particularly like the common sense
handling of the main web problems.
Some of the key things that are pointed out in this book are:
1. Don't make me think:
Basically the web user does not want to venture into a site
that requires them to figure it out.
It should be self-evident.
How do we use web pages:
a. We don't read pages, we scan them
b. We don't make optimal choices, we sacrifice
c. We don't figure out, how things work, we muddle through
2. It doesn't matter how many times I click
as long as each click is a mindless unambiguous choice
3. Get rid of half the words on each page,
then get rid of half of what's left.
His chapters on navigation are a cookbook
on how to do it right.
He finishes the chapters with several examples,
first asking the reader to look at the examples
and then discusses how he feels it should be redone.
Excellent teaching tool.
Similarly, he broaches the topic of the Home page
and how it should be structured
and the various forces pulling in different directions.
The examples he gives at the end here too
are a good teaching tool.
remainder 剩余部分
The remainder of the book discusses the design processes
and the usability tests.
These are excellent chapters in the forces at work
and it is evident,
he has done this many times
from the information he has gathered.
scripting 脚本编写
He provides specific suggestions
for web usability testing for various stages of sites
as well as for various problems.
This is wonderful guidance if you are new at this.
He also provides a guideline on scripting
and report writing. Nice job.
common sense 常识
Knowledge without common sense counts for little.
common sense
a common sense approach
common sense 通用的,大家认可的
usability design 易用性设计 / 可用性设计
the quality of being able to provide good service
ability 能力
informative sidebars
side + bar
informative sidebars
content layout 内容布局
content 内容
No man is content.
layout 布局
page layout 版面布局
garden layout 园林布局
cookbook 食谱
? 2006年8月第1版

  • specificadj. 特殊的,明确的,具有特效的 n. 特效药,特性
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • surfn. 海浪拍岸,冲浪 vi. 冲浪,浏览 vt. 浏览
  • venturen. 冒险,风险,投机 v. 尝试,谨慎地做,冒险一试
  • screenn. 屏,幕,银幕,屏风 v. 放映,选拔,掩蔽,遮蔽
  • premisen. 前提 vt. 提论,预述,假设 n. 房屋和
  • minimaladj. 最低限度的,最小的
  • assumptionn. 假定,设想,担任(职责等), 假装
  • drivesn. 驱动器;驱动力;驱动程序(drive的复数形式)
  • concisenessn. 简洁,简明