Step 1: Warm up(热身运动)
Warm up before you begin your total body workout by bringing your heart rate up slowly and stretching your arm and leg muscles.
Step 2: Do plank(保持俯卧撑的姿势一分钟)
Get in the plank position. It’s a modified pushup position, with your hands even with your shoulders and your arms supporting your body weight. Your body should form a straight line. Hold this position for 60 seconds.
Using your own body weight as resistance eliminates the need for dumbbells.
Step 3: Add to the plank(保持俯卧撑的过程中,抬起自己的右手臂和左腿,保持2秒,然后还原,再抬起左手臂和右腿,如此轮流,做1分钟)
While in the plank position, raise your right arm and left leg. Hold them for two seconds and then return to the start position. Repeat with the opposite arm and foot and continue alternating for 60 more seconds.
Step 4: Lunge(左腿往后伸,右腿成90度弯曲,然后收回,右腿往后伸,左腿成90度弯曲,如此轮流,每边10下)
Stand and lunge back with your left leg, lowering your body until your right knee is bent 90 degrees. Push back up and repeat with your right leg – do 10 on each side.
Step 5: Do side plank(侧压腿)
Do the side plank by lying on your left side with your legs straight. Prop yourself up with your left forearm so your body forms a diagonal line and put your right hand on your right hip. Raise your hips and hold for 30 seconds, and then repeat the on the right.
Step 6: Squat(蹲坐)
Do squats by keeping your legs hip-width apart and bending your knees, squatting into an almost seated position. Do 10 of these.
Step 7: Push up(将身体的重量放在脚趾上,两只脚之间的距离大于肩距,弯曲自己的胳膊肘,尽可能低地接近地面)
Balance your weight on your toes and palms with your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows and lower yourself as far as possible toward the floor and then push back to start. Do eight of these.
Step 8: Repeat(重复以上的动作)
Repeat the entire sequence of exercises as many times as you can in one hour. In no time, your entire body will feel stronger.
1.plank n. 厚板,支撑物,政纲条目
如:He has planed the plank smooth.
The deck of the sailing ship was made of thick planks.
2.eliminate v. 除去,剔除; 忽略
如:Let us eliminate all uncertain on thought.
This new process has eliminated the need for checking the products by hand.
3.squat n. 蹲
如:The old man squatted down by the fire.
Can you find somewhere to squat?
4.diagonal n. 对角线,斜线,斜列
如:A diagonal line or plane.
The wood surface of the furniture is full of diagonal stripes.