Are you one of the 17 million people who have never met an item you didn’t want to buy? You might be a shopaholic.
You Will Need
Step 1: Evaluate why you shop(你为什么喜欢购物?)
Evaluate why you shop. Valid reasons—you need food or clothes. Bad reasons—you’re bored, stressed, depressed, or just got your paycheck.
Step 2: Explore your feelings(购物让你感觉如何?)
Think about how shopping makes you feel. If buying something new gives you an incredible rush followed by horrible guilt—you might have a problem.
Step 3: Look around your home(你买的是需要的还是想要的?)
Look around your home—are most of the items in it things you needed, or stuff you wanted?
Step 4: Check out your closets(你的衣柜里面是否摆满了带着标签的衣服?)
Check out your closets. A shopaholic’s wardrobe is filled with clothes that still have their tags and shoes that have never seen the light of day.
If you’re on a first name basis with all the UPS guys, or can name every pitch person on the Shopping Network, you may have some spending issues.
Step 5: Examine your conscience(你是否曾经向你的爱人或家人隐瞒你买的东西,或虚报它们的价格?)
Examine your conscience. Do you find yourself trying to justify purchases to yourself and others? Do you ever hide packages? Lie about how much you’ve spent? Have you ever snuck a new garment into the house in a dry cleaner bag to conceal you’d bought something new?
Step 6: Assess your willpower(你是不是有很强的购物欲?)
Assess your willpower. Shopaholics find themselves unable to resist buying things—even when they know their credit cards are maxed out.
Step 7: Get help(如果你都是,那么赶紧行动起来,找其他的事情来娱乐自己,不要沉迷于购物; )
Get help if you failed our little test. Cut up the credit cards, find fun ways to fill your time that don’t involve buying anything, join Debtors Anonymous, or get therapy to discover the deeper issues behind your compulsive spending.
Marie Antoinette, Mary Todd Lincoln, Jackie Kennedy, and Princess Diana are all believed to have been shopaholics.
1.Self-evaluation 自我评价
2.paycheck n. 薪水支票,工资
如:The new appropriations bill could mean a larger paycheck for state employees.
"I hope he went fishing and comes back tomorrow, but I wouldn't bet my paycheck on it, " said state police superintendent Clinton Pagano ...
3.wardrobe n. 衣柜,衣橱
如:The wardrobe takes up too much space/room.
We heaved the wardrobe up the stairs.
4.justify vt. 替 ... 辩护,证明 ... 正当
如:Such action can be justified on the grounds of greater efficiency.
Nothing can justify your cheating on an exam.
5.compulsive adj. 强制的,强迫的
如:One who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work.
A frightening, compulsive novel.
Greediness is one of the common characteristics of compulsive gambler.