Man: Good morning!
Woman: Morning!
Man: By the way, I just wanted to say well done on clinching that deal!
Woman: Oh, thanks. It wasn't too difficult.
Man: You're being modest! You did really well.
Woman: Thank you.
Man: You're a great manager, you know.
Woman: Do you think so?
Man: Oh yeah.
Woman: I appreciate that.
Man: Have you cut your hair?
Woman: Oh yes, I did actually. Thanks for noticing!
Man: Where did you get it done?
Woman: Oh, just that place on the high street.
Man: They did a great job and it looks great with the outfit.
Woman: Do you think so?
Man: Oh yeah. Very ... fashionable.
Woman: Oh, it's just an old thing.
Man: Well, you've got a great sense of style.
Woman: Thank you, you too.
Man: Thank you.
Man: Nice perfume, too. Is that Dream?
Woman: Well, yes it is, actually.
Man: You wear it well.
Woman: I'm flattered.
Man: My pleasure.
Woman: Listen, do you want something?
Man: No. I'm just being polite, you know.
Woman: Hmmm.
pay (someone) a compliment (exp.): to say something (to someone) to express approval or admiration for things that someone does. 赞赏,称赞某人
clinch (v.): win (informal) 成功取得,赢得
to clinch an argument / a deal / a victory
modest (adj.): not willing to talk too much about one's achievements and abilities 谦虚的,谦逊的
She's very modest about her success.
I appreciate that (exp.): used to thank someone or to show that you are grateful 不胜感激
high street (n.): (British English) a street where the most important businesses and shops in a town are located 大街(城镇的主要街道)
outfit (n.): a set of clothes 全套服装,装束
I am flattered (exp.): used to express that you are very pleased after receiving a compliment 过奖了