two Realizing that common sense and common decency alike dictate the futility of appeasement,
we shall never try to placate an aggressor by the false and wicked bargain of trading honor for security.
Americans, indeed all free men, remember that in the final choice a soldier's pack is not so heavy a burden as a prisoner's chains.
three Knowing that only a United States that is strong and immensely productive can help defend freedom in our world,
we view our Nation's strength and security as a trust upon which rests the hope of free men everywhere.
It is the firm duty of each of our free citizens and of every free citizen everywhere to place the cause of his country before the comfort, the convenience of himself.
four Honoring the identity and the special heritage of each nation in the world,
we shall never use our strength to try to impress upon another people our own cherished political and economic institutions.
five Assessing realistically the needs and capacities of proven friends of freedom,
we shall strive to help them to achieve their own security and well-being.
Likewise, we shall count upon them to assume, within the limits of their resources, their full and just burdens in the common defense of freedom.
同时,我们希望他们在力所能及的条件下,充分 而公正地担负起他们应尽的责任,共同捍卫自由。
six Recognizing economic health as an indispensable basis of military strength and the free world's peace,
we shall strive to foster everywhere, and to practice ourselves, policies that encourage productivity and profitable trade.
For the impoverishment of any single people in the world means danger to the well-being of all other peoples.
因为世界上任何一个民族的贫困,对所有其他民族的富裕都意 味着威胁。
seven Appreciating that economic need, military security and political wisdom combine to suggest regional groupings of free peoples,
we hope, within the framework of the United Nations, to help strengthen such special bonds the world over.
The nature of these ties must vary with the different problems of different areas.
In the Western Hemisphere, we enthusiastically join with all our neighbors in the work of perfecting a community of fraternal trust and common purpose.
在西半球,我们满腔热情地与所有邻国共同努力,以使一个有着兄弟般的信任和 共同目标的联合体日臻完善。
In Europe, we ask that enlightened and inspired leaders of the Western nations strive with renewed vigor to make the unity of their peoples a reality.
德怀特·戴维·艾森豪威尔(Dwight David Eisenhower),美国第34任总统(1953年-1961年在任)。1890年,艾森豪威尔出生于美国德克萨斯州丹尼森的一个已经破产的基督徒家庭,他在艰苦生活中磨砺了意志。1915年毕业于西点军校,毕业时在班上排在第61名,只得到军士长的军衔。后在得克萨斯州圣安东尼第19步兵师服役,少尉军衔。