Let every Union_loving man,therefore,exert his best influence to suppress this agitation, which since the recent legislation of Congress is without any legitimate object.
No nation in the tide of time has ever been blessed with so rich and noble an inheritance as we enjoy in the pubilc lands.
In administering this important trust, whilst it may be wise to grant portions of them for the improvement of the remainder, yet we should never forget that it is our cardinal policy to reserve these lands, as much as may be,for actual settlers,and this at moderate prices.
We shall thus not only best promote the prosperity of the new States and Territories, by furnishing them a hardy and independent race of honest and industrious citizens, but shall secure homes for our children and our children's children, as well as for those exiles from foreign shores who may seek in this country to improve their condition and to enjoy the blessings of civil and religious liberty.
They have proved faithful both in peace and in war.
After becoming citizens they are entitled,under the Constitution and laws, to be placed on a perfect equality with native born citizens, and in this character they should ever be kindly recognized.
It is our glory that whilst other nations have extended their dominions by the sword we have never acquired any territory except by fait purchase or, as in the case of Texas,by the voluntary determination of a brave,kindred, and independent people to blend their destinies with our won.
Even our acquisitions from Mexico form no exception.
Unwilling to take advantage of the fortune of war against a sister republic, we purchased these possessions under the treaty of peace for a sum which was considered at the time a fair equivalent.
Our past history forbids that we shall in the future acquire territory unless this be sanctioned by the laws of justice and honor.
Acting on this principle,no nation will have a right to interfere or to complain if in the progress of events we shall still further extend our possessions.
Hitherto in all our acquisitions the people,under the protection of the American flag, have enjoyed civil and religious liberty,as well as equal and just laws, and have been contented,prosperous,and happy.
Their trade with the rest of the world has repidly increased, and thus every commercial nation has shared largely in their successful progress.
詹姆斯·布坎南(James Buchanan ,1791年4月23日——1868年6月1日)是美国第15任总统,生于宾夕法尼亚州。布坎南出任总统时,正值美国处于历史上的一个重大关头。当时,南北双方在奴隶制问题上的斗争愈演愈烈。他尽管为避免南北分裂作过不少努力,但还是无力扭转局势,后来内战终于爆发。而他的继任者正是带领北方赢得战争,废除奴隶制的林肯总统。