87 Fishing
Henry likes fishing. He fishes in the river near our house. In the evenings he makes lies"out of little pieces of wool and cotton and ties them to his hooks. Then on Saturday afternoon he goes down to the river and fishes until it is dark. There are always a few other people there. They love fishing too, and they all sit there quietly for hours. Sometimes they catch some fish. Sometimes they do not.
Once Henry caught a big fish and he was very happy! All the other fishermen left their places and came to see his fish. One of them had a camera, so he took a picture of Henry with his big fish. Another time Henry fell into the river. The grass was slippery because there was some mud on it, and while he was pulling his line in, he slipped and fell into the dirty water. Henry does not swim, but the two nearest fishermen pulled him out quickly, and he ran home, with mud all over his face.
wool 羊毛,毛线 hook 钩,吊钩
slippery 滑的 mud 泥,土 slip 滑倒
钓 鱼