71 Computer Chess
In May 1997, IBM's supercomputer, called Deep Blue, beat Gary Kasparov, the great chess player from Russia, in New York. This was the first time a supercomputer had ever beaten a man in traditional chess, although men had often lost to computers when playing speed chess. In traditional chess, players have as much time as they want for their moves, but in speed chess their time is limited.
The IBM computer is able to know between two and three million chess positions every second. It can make 100 billion moves in the time it takes a man to make one.
The first time Kasparov played Deep Blue was in Philadelphia in 1996. Kasparov won that first match. In May 1997 there was a match again, and Deep Blue won. Deep Blue got $700,000 for the game, and Kasparov took home $400,000. Now Kasparov wants to play a third match to decide who is the best player, but IBM says that Deep Blue has "retired?
supercomputer 超级计算机 traditional 传统的 move 一步棋
position 位置,方位 billion 十亿 retire 退休
1997年5月,IBM的超级计算机“深蓝”在纽约击败了俄罗斯伟大的国际象棋大师卡斯帕罗夫。虽然下快棋时人们经常输给计算机,但这是超级计算机在传统棋类上第一次击败人类。在下传统棋时,棋手有足够的时间考虑再出棋,而下快棋时思考时间是有限的。IBM的计算机每秒可以计算200万到300万手棋,可以在人走一步棋所需的时间里走1 000亿步棋。 1996年,卡斯帕罗夫在费城第一次与“深蓝”交手,卡斯帕罗夫赢得了比赛。1997年5月,他们又进行了一次比赛,这次“深蓝”赢了。从这场比赛中“深蓝”赢得了70万美元的奖金,而卡斯帕罗夫也将40万美元收至囊中。现在卡斯帕罗夫想进行第三次比赛来看谁才是最好的棋手,而IBM说“深蓝”已经退休了。