54 Growing Tomatoes
"I'll tell you how to grow tomatoes, Jerry,?said Mrs. Hawkins. "First dig up
an area in a sunny spot in your yard. Mix in manure or compost to enrich the
"When the danger of frost is past, which is about the first of April in this
part of the country, I buy eight tomato plants from a nursery. That's enough
for my husband and myself. You will probably want to buy twelve plants for
your family."Lay out the plants in their cardboard container about 18 to 20
inches apart. Dig a hole deep enough to cover each pot, put the pot in the
hole, cover it with soil, and pat the earth down firmly. Then pound in 4 to 5
foot long stakes next to each plant. Water the plants well. By the middle of
July you should begin to have ripe tomatoes to eat.
spot 地点
manure 肥料
compost 混合肥料
nursery 苗圃
cardboard 纸板
container 容器(箱、盆、罐等)
apart 分离
stake 树桩
ripe 熟的,成熟的