27 Humour — What Is a Teenager?
A teenager is ...
... someone who can hear his favourite singer three blocks away but not his
mother calling from the next room.
... a whiz who can operate the latest computer without a lesson but can't make
a bed.
... a connoisseur of two kinds of fine music — loud and very loud.
... an enthusiast who has the energy to bike for miles but is usually too
tired to dry the dishes.
... a romantic who never falls in love more than once a week.
... a boy who can sleep till noon on any Saturday and suspects the room needs
... an original thinker who is positive that his mother was never a teenager.
block 街区 whiz 天才,能手
operate 操作
connoisseur 内行,鉴赏家
enthusiast 热心的人,热情的人
energy 精力
romantic 浪漫主义者
suspect 怀疑
original 新颖的,独创的
positive 肯定的
…… 一个不用上一节课就可以操作最新电脑的能手,但却不会铺床。