专八改错训练附讲解100篇:Passage 56
日期:2016-04-07 17:35


Besides concerns about how ads affect individuals, critics have raised ethical issues about how advertising affects society. For example, J. K. Galbraith argued that advertising creates the desires that the production of consumer goods then satisfy.(1)____ Others accuse advertising for creating a materialistic society full of people think that happiness lies in owning things and who are obsessed with buying consumer goods.(2)____(3)____ These critics think we are creating a society in which private goods are plentiful and in which public goods, which are seldom advertised, are ignored-a society rich in private cars but whose highways and streets are disintegrating.(4)____ Ads drive selfish consumption on the expense of friendship, community, art, and truth.(5)____ Further more, advertising allows the system to "buy off" political unsatisfied people with promises and consumer goods, leading to political apathy and the undermining of democracy.(6)____ However, there are many who think these sorts of criticismsexaggerate the impact of ads on society.
Major social changes are caused by advertising; ads follow social trends, and they don't create them.(7)____ This debate centers on two perhaps resolvable issues.(8)____ First, there is the empirical question of how much impact advertising has on society; this is difficult to answer because the effect of ads cannot be separated from other social forces, and because it is hard to determine whether ads cause or follow social trends. Second, there is the ethical question of whether the purported effects, such as materialism, are morally objective.(9)____ Perhaps it is more helpful to look at specific issues rather than the social impact of advertising in the general.(10)____

1.satisfy→satisfies语法错误。此处that the production... then satisfy是定语从句,修饰名词desires,表示“消费品生产能满足的需求”。为保持时态一致,satisfy需向前面的动词creates看齐,且此处从句的主语是单数意义的词,所以应该用第三人称单数satisfies。
3.∧think→who语法错误。此处考查的是定语从句的用法。people是先行词,think that...things是定语从句的内容,很明显此处缺少一个关系代词,且该关系代词在定语从句中作主语,不可省略。其实通过观察不难发现,people后接两个由and连接的定语从句,后一个从句的引导词也是who,所以此处增加who为最佳答案。本句大意是“其他人控诉广告创造了一个物质主义社会,在这样的社会里,人们认为幸福就是拥有,人人都痴迷于购物。”
5.on→at词汇错误。此处考查at the expense/cost of的固定搭配,意思为“以……为代价”。
8.resolvable→unresolvable语篇错误。接下来谈到的两个问题,作者用了difficult to answer和whether等词,这表明这些事件并不是能确切定性的,所以resolvable无从谈起。此处改为unresolvable,符合语义,指的是“两个无法解决的问题”。
10. the→the词汇错误。此处考查的是固定搭配in general的用法,意思为“总体,大体”,因此要删掉the。

  • democracyn. 民主,民主制,民主国家
  • obsessedadj. 着迷的
  • ethicaladj. 道德的,伦理的,民族的
  • accusev. 指责,控告,谴责
  • apathyn. 缺乏感情或兴趣,冷漠
  • materialismn. 唯物主义,唯物论,实利主义
  • debaten. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论
  • empiricaladj. 经验主义的
  • socialadj. 社会的,社交的 n. 社交聚会
  • affectvt. 影响,作用,感动