日期:2012-07-17 14:15



11. The sentence in the first paragraph "The world isn't flat… it's paved."implies that

[A] the world is a round settled planet.

[B] citys are built by human beings.

[C] urban life is better than suburban life.

[D] people prefer to dwell in the countryside.

12. Which of the following does NOT show the results of urbanization?

[A] It enables citizens to think and work creatively.

[B] Manufacturing productivity has been improved.

[C] It encourages more environment friendly living style.

[D] It attracts people and enables them to collaborate.

13. According to Mr Glaeser's theory, which of the following is NOT tree?

[A] People should notice something positive about urban poverty.

[B] Low-rise neighbourhoods are advisable in developing countries.

[C] The mortgage interest policy promotes sprawl in America.

[D] The story of Matin County is a good demonstration of flawed policies.

14. Which of the following adjectives best describes the author's treatment of Glaeser's argumentation?

[A] Indifferent

[B] Neutral

[C] Affirmative

[D] Critical


  • neutraladj. 中立的,中性的 n. 中立者,空挡的,素净色
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • flawedadj. 有缺陷的;有瑕疵的;有裂纹的
  • criticaladj. 批评的,决定性的,危险的,挑剔的 adj. 临
  • indifferentadj. 漠不关心的,无重要性的,中立的
  • settledadj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle
  • demonstrationn. 示范,实证,表达,集会
  • povertyn. 贫困,贫乏
  • argumentationn. 争论,讨论,论证
  • urbanadj. 城市的,都市的