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日期:2012-02-06 14:39


 下面为大家整理的是SAT 改进句子题目的练习,共六道,后面附有详细的答案解析。SAT改进句子题目是对考生的语法掌握情况和逻辑思维能力的综合考察,需要考生更多方面的努力。下面大家就和天道小编一起来看看这些题目的详细内容吧。

  Part of the following sentence is underlined; beneath the sentence are five ways of phrasing the underlined material. Select the option that produces the best sentence. If you think the original phrasing produces a better sentence than any of the alternatives, select choice A.

  1.When light from a distant source, such as the sun, it strikesa collection of water drops, such as rain, spray, or fog, a rainbow may appear.

  Answer Choices

  (A) such as the sun, it strikes

  (B) like the sun’s, striking

  (C) such as the sun, and striking

  (D) such as the sun, strikes

  (E) like the sun’s, strikes

  2.One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms, another that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment.

  Answer Choices

  (A) symptoms, another that occurs

  (B) symptoms; another one that occurs

  (C) symptoms, the other, and it occurs

  (D) symptoms; another one which is occurring

  (E) symptoms and also occurring

  3.As it is primarily a bird of New Zealand’s native forests, the kiwi also lives in scrub and native grasslands.

  Answer Choices

  (A) As it is primarily

  (B) Although primarily

  (C) Because it lives primarily as

  (D) It is primarily

  (E) It lives primarily as

  4.Underestimating its value, breakfast is a meal many people skip.

  Answer Choices

  (A) Underestimating its value, breakfast is a meal many people skip.

  (B) Breakfast is skipped by many people because of their underestimating its value.

  (C) Many people, underestimating the value of breakfast, and skipping it.

  (D) Many people skip breakfast because they underestimate its value.

  (E) A meal skipped by many people underestimating its value is breakfast.

  5.The language of the Navajo people, like their Apache cousins, is classified in the Athabascan language family.

  Answer Choices

  (A) their

  (B) for their

  (C) that of its

  (D) its

  (E) that of their

  6.The problem of antibioticresistance, frequently compounded in certain countries because the sale and use of antibiotics are not tightly controlled.

  Answer Choices

  (A) resistance, frequently compounded in certain countries because

  (B) resistance, frequently compounded in certain countries and

  (C) resistance, frequently compounded in certain countries when

  (D) resistance is frequently compounded in certain countries where

  (E) resistance is frequently compounded in certain countries and


  1.The correct answer is D

  Choice (D) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by removing the unnecessary pronoun it.

  2.The correct answer is B

  This sentence illustrates a comma splice, the incorrect use of a comma to connect two complete sentences. Choice (B) correctly uses a semicolon to coordinate two independent clauses and form a compound sentence (while at the same time keeping verb tenses parallel). The correct sentence reads: One of the most common types of mistakes that inexperienced physicians make is misreading symptoms; another one that occurs about as frequently is recommending inappropriate treatment.

  3.The correct answer is B

  Choice (B) is correct. It avoids the awkwardness of the original by using the word Although to introduce the comparison between the different habitats of the kiwi (native forests and scrub and native grasslands).

  4.The correct answer is D

  The problem with this sentence is that the opening phrase "underestimating its value" modifies "breakfast," not "people." The order of the words in the sentence in choice (D) does not have this problem of a misplaced modifying phrase. Choice (D) also clarifies the causal relationship between the two clauses in the sentence. None of the other choices convey the information presented in the sentence as effectively and directly as choice (D).

  5.The correct answer is E

  Choice (E) is correct. It avoids the error of the original by using the pronoun that to refer to The language so that one thing, The language of the Navajo people, is properly compared to another thing, that [the language] of their Apache cousins.

  6.The correct answer is D

  This sentence is a fragment as written; there is no verb in the main clause. Of the choices offered, only (C) and (D) correct this problem. (D) is the best choice because the adverb "where" connects the second part of the sentence in a way that clarifies the relationship between the two parts of the sentence. The correct sentence reads: The problem of antibiotic resistance is frequently compounded in certain countries where the sale and use of antibiotics are not tightly controlled.

  以上就是关于这六道SAT 改进句子题目的全部内容,供大家练习之用。SAT改进句子题的备考是对改错题的总结也是对改进篇章题的一个准备,所以作用很大。大家在备考SAT语法考试的时候,一定要更加重视。

  • independentadj. 独立的,自主的,有主见的 n. 独立派人士,无
  • conveyvt. 传达,表达,运输,转移 vt. [律]让与
  • coordinaten. 同等的人物; (色调,图案,样式等)配套服装 ad
  • effectivelyadv. 事实上,有效地
  • unnecessaryadj. 不必要的,多余的
  • antibioticsn. 抗生素,抗生学
  • comparisonn. 比较
  • fragmentn. 碎片 v. 变成碎片 [计算机] 碎片
  • comman. 逗号,停顿,间歇 n. 银纹多角蛱蝶
  • splicev. & n. 接合,衔接 vt. 拼接