日期:2020-11-25 08:17


The 'undergraduate uniform' had no conscious effect on Ron. In any case his attention was now concentrated entirely on the restaurant and its happenings.


Alec was enjoying himself now. Usually when he went to a restaurant he felt self-conscious, either for being alone or for not doing the right thing.


As it happened, this was where the surviving pages came to an end—and at an appropriate point, for lonely consciousness of self-consciousness was at the centre of his ideas.


But that self-consciousness went beyond Godelian self-reference, abstract mind turning upon its abstract self.


There was in his life a mathematical serpent, biting its own tail for ever, but there was another one that had bid him eat from the tree of knowledge.


Hilbert once said that Cantor's theory of the infinite had created 'a paradise', from which mathematicians were not to be driven out.


But Alan Turing lost that paradise, not because of what he thought but what he did. His problem lay in doing: doing or not doing the right thing.


No one in June 1954 perceived a symbolism in the apple that he ate, an apple filled with the poison of the 1940s.


Without the context, the symbol had no meaning, and could no more be interpreted than the other tiny clues he left. He might even have had the symbolism in mind before the war, when he mentioned his suicide plan to his friend James Atkins. For it came just at the time when he had (in an equally off-hand fashion) mentioned to his mother his unsureness about the 'morality' of cryptography.

