日期:2019-06-14 07:31


If, furthermore, he had left something out by confining his account of mind to a discussion of puzzle-solving, an omission that reflected the temper of the times, this was not because he thought that this kind of 'intelligence' was one of vast superiority to other human characteristics.
In fact it was almost the reverse.
Perhaps this was the most surprising thing about Alan Turing.
Despite all he had done in the war, and all the struggles with stupidity, he still did not think of intellectuals or scientists as forming a superior class.
The intelligent machine, taking over the role of the 'masters', would be a development which would cut the intellectual expert down to size.
As Victorian technology had mechanised the work of the artisans, the computer of the future would automate the trade of intelligent thinking.
In this way he was an anti-technocrat, subversively diminishing the authority of the new priests and magicians of the world. He wanted to make intellectuals into ordinary people. This was not at all calculated to please Sir Charles Darwin.
Alan's talk was, as it happened, given on the same day that the British government announced its rapid withdrawal from India.
The lessons of the war were at last sinking in, accentuated by the fuel crisis which the new management of the National Coal Board were powerless to control.
Britain was no longer one of the 'Big Three', her role in the Mediterranean being quickly taken by the United States.
It was a moment of truth, in which Britain appeared as a giant desert island.
Germany had forced the truly Big Two out of an artificial isolation, and neither of them had fought to preserve British interests or markets.
If there was a silver lining in the clouds, it was the fond belief that Britain could do better than 'the American tradition of solving one's difficulties by means of much equipment rather than by thought,' in Alan's words.
