日期:2019-04-04 15:40


Of course, there was to be no physical motion when the 'scanner' went to fetch an instruction, or operate upon numbers stored on the 'tape'; no motion but that of electrons.
Instead, the control of the ACE would work by a process rather like that of dialling a telephone number, to reach the right place.
Most of the complexity of the electronic circuits arose from the demands of this 'tree' system.
There was also a complexity in the way that thirty-two half-way houses, 'temporary storage' locations consisting of special short delay lines, were provided for the shunting around of pulses.
This was quite different from the EDVAC conception, in which all the arithmetic would be done by shunting numbers in and out of a central 'accumulator'.
In the ACE design the arithmetical operations were 'distributed' around the thirty-two 'temporary storage' delay lines in an ingenious way.
The point of this complexity was that it increased the speed of operation. Speed took a slightly higher priority than simplicity.
This was reflected also in the fact that Alan planned the pulse rate of the ACE to be a million a second, straining electronic technology to the full.
His emphasis on speed was natural enough, granted his Bletchley experience, in which speed was of the very essence, a few hours marking the difference between usefulness and pointlessness.
It was also related to the universality of the electronic computer.
In 1942 they had tried to get faster Bombes to cope with the fourth rotor;
they had been saved by the German slip-up with the weather reporting signal system,
but without this stroke of fortune they would have had to wait over a year for the machinery to match the problem.
One virtue of a universal machine would lie in its ability to take on any new problem immediately—but this meant that it must be as fast as possible from the start.
It would hardly be desirable to re-engineer a universal machine, for the sake of a special problem. The whole point was to get the engineering out of the way once and for all, so that all the work thereafter could go into the devising of instruction tables.
