日期:2016-08-26 15:34


Running suited him, for it was a self-sufficient exercise, without equipment or social connotations. It was not that he had sprinting speed, nor indeed much grace, for he was rather flat-footed, but he developed great staying power by forcing himself on. It was not important to Sherborne, where what mattered was that (to Peter Hogg's surprise) he became a 'useful forward' in the house team. But it was noticed with admiration by Knoop, and it was certainly important to Alan himself: He was not the first intellectual to impose this kind of physical training upon himself, and to derive lasting satisfaction from proving his stamina in running, walking, cycling, climbing, and enduring the elements. It was part of his 'back to nature' yearnings. But necessarily there were other elements involved; he perceived tiring himself out by running as an alternative to masturbation. It would probably be hard to overestimate the importance to his life of the conflicts surrounding his sexuality from this time onwards – both in controlling the demands of his body, and in a growing consciousness of emotional identity.


In December it was the same arrival at Waterloo, on the way to Cambridge, but no trip to Mrs Morcom's studio. Instead his mother and John (now an articled clerk in the City) were there to meet him, and Alan said he would go and see Howard Hughes' aerial film Hell's Angels. At Cambridge he failed again to win a Trinity scholarship. But his greater confidence was not entirely misplaced, for he was elected to a scholarship at the college of his second choice, King's. He was placed eighth in order of the Major Scholars, with £80 per annum.*


Everyone congratulated him. But he had set himself to do something, something that Christopher had been 'called away from'. For a person with a mathematical mind, an ability to deal with very abstract relations and symbols as though with tangible everyday objects, a King's scholarship was a demonstration like sight-reading a sonata or repairing a car – clever and satisfying, but no more. Many had won better scholarships, and at an earlier age. More to the point than the word 'brilliant' which now came to schoolmasters' lips was the couplet that Peter Hogg sang at the house supper:


Our Mathematician comes next in our lines


With his mind deep in Einstein – and study light fines.


For he had thought deeply about Einstein and had broken the rules to do so.

