日期:2015-09-08 10:20


US shale producers reported a cash outflow of more than $30bn in the first half of the year, in a sign of the challenges facing the US’s once-booming industry as the steep drop in the oil price begins to take effect.


The cash shortfall points to a rise in bankruptcies and restructurings in a sector that has expanded rapidly in the past seven years but has never covered its capital expenditure from cash flow.


Capital spending by listed US independent oil and gas companies exceeded their cash from operations by about $32bn in the six months to June, close to the deficit of $37.7bn reported for the whole of 2014, according to data from Factset, an information service.


US oil production fell in May and June, according to the US Energy Information Administration, and some analysts expect it to continue falling as financial constraints limit companies’ ability to drill and complete new wells.

美国能源情报署(US Energy Information Administration)的数据表明,美国石油产量在5月和6月出现下降。一些分析师预计,随着财务紧张制约企业的钻井和完井能力,美国石油产量还将继续下滑。

Companies have sold shares and assets and borrowed cash to increase production and add to their reserves. The aggregate net debt of US oil and gas production companies more than doubled from $81bn at the end of 2010 to $169bn by June 30 this year, according to Factset.

