日期:2015-04-30 10:13


China’s central bank is considering extraordinary measures to boost credit flows to heavily indebted local governments, according to local media reports, as Beijing struggles to recapitalise the provinces after years of unsustainable borrowing and investment.
The country’s local debt has surged since the 2008 financial crisis as regional governments borrowed to finance infrastructure projects in an effort to stimulate the economy. Experts have warned that the debt poses a risk to the banking system.

China’s economy is growing at its slowest pace in six years, according to official figures. Policy makers want to enable local governments to maintain infrastructure spending to cushion the impact from a slowdown in the property and manufacturing sectors.
Some investors and media outlets have interpreted the bank’s plan to try to raise demand for cash-strapped local governments’ debt — by accepting it as collateral for loans to commercial lenders — as a form of quantitative easing.
But economists say it is better understood as a targeted measure to boost credit flows to local governments struggling to refinance Rmb1.9tn ($306bn) in debt due to mature this year.
“From the details we know it’s probably wrong to characterise this as quantitative easing. It’s tempting to think that China would join everybody else, but the reality is that the Chinese central bank seems to be concerned about banks’ reluctance to buy local government bonds,” said Frederic Neumann, chief Asia economist for HSBC.
“从细节看,我们知道将此举描述为量化宽松很可能是错误的。认为中国央行会加入其他主要央行行列的想法很诱人,但现实情况是,中国央行似乎担忧的是商业银行不愿购买地方政府债券,”汇丰(HSBC)首席亚洲经济学家范力民(Frederic Neumann)表示。
China’s finance ministry last month announced a plan for provincial governments to refinance Rmb1tn in maturing debt by selling bonds. The goal is to lower debt-servicing costs and extend maturities by converting short-term, high-interest bank loans to low-interest, long-term municipal bonds.
But this month at least two Chinese provinces had to postpone bond auctions due to insufficient demand from commercial banks. Allowing local bonds to be used as collateral would stoke demand for the paper.
Loans from China’s central bank to commercial banks would expand the People’s Bank of China’s balance sheet, increasing the base money supply.
But economists expect that increases in the money supply via the new PBoC lending facility would probably be offset by withdrawals via other tools such as reduced foreign exchange purchases, open market operations and the required reserve ratio.
“This isn’t really about adding liquidity. It’s aimed at alleviating debt pressures on local governments and reducing financial risks,” said Zhang Bin, director of the global macroeconomy research department at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a think-tank that advises Beijing. The moves led to sharp falls in money market interest rates, which determine short-term borrowing costs for companies and banks.
“此举的意义不是真的要增加流动性。它的目的是减轻地方政府的债务压力,化解金融风险,”向中国政府提供咨询的智库——中国社会科学院(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)的全球宏观经济研究室主任张斌表示。中国央行的政策已导致货币市场利率大幅下降,这些利率决定着企业和银行的短期借款成本。
