每日视频新闻:《中国合伙人》票房三天破亿 盘点走俏电影
日期:2013-05-23 19:03





奥巴马莫尔豪斯学院毕业演讲 望生多行善事

699万毕业生陷最难就业年 京签约率不足3成

米歇尔·奥巴马毕业典礼演讲 学校该学什么






China factory blast kills at least 13




Emergency responders rescue a Chinese man caught in a blast that ripped through a Shandong province factory on Monday. The explosion in Zhangqiu City killed at least 13, while 19 others were injured. Rescuers at the site on Tuesday searched for the remaining 10 who are still listed as missing, according to state media. A total of 42 people were caught in the blast at an explosives manufacturing plant. China has a long history of industrial accidents due to poor safety standards and rising costs of labour and materials. This comes despite efforts from the ruling Communist party to improve workplace conditions for an estimated 150 million Chinese migrant workers.





Japan seeks to restart nuclear facilities





This is Japan's Hamaoka nuclear power plant. Like the majority of the country's nuclear facilities, it remains offline following the meltdown at the Fukushima plant in March 2011. Critics say it should stay that way since the facility is in the middle of a seismic danger-zone, just 200 kilometers from Tokyo. And experts say there is an 87% chance a massive quake will hit the region in the next three decades. But politicians are pushing to reopen the power generating plants in hopes of economic growth.





Earlier this month, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said ditching nuclear power altogether would be irresponsible. The Japanese Nuclear Regulation Authority is also expected to draw up new safety standards that could pave the way for plants to reopen. For its part, the nuclear plant's operator is beefing up the facility's tsunami protections, including a defense wall and reactor flood doors at a cost of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars. Although there is still public wariness over nuclear power, the number of nuclear protesters has fallen sharply, as has public dissent over the issue.





Obama, Myanmar's President Thein Sein meet





U.S. President Barack Obama held talks with Myanmar President Thein Sein at the White House on Monday. The two discussed ways that Myanmar, a relative newcomer to the world stage after years of military rule, could move forward in the democratic process.





U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA SAYING: "...making sure that the government of Myanmar institutionalizes some of the political reforms that have already taken place, how rule of law is codified so that it continues into the future, and the process whereby these ethnic conflicts that have existed are resolved, not simply by a ceasefire but an actual incorporation of all these communities into the political process..' The Myanmar President said through a translater, that while the tasks ahead for Myanmr are daunting, he is glad to have the support and understanding of the U.S. duirng this time. Obama also pressed Thein to end ethnic violence in western Myanmer where monks and muslims have been fighting for years.





《中国合伙人》票房三天破亿 盘点走俏电影


Domestic film productions grow up


《中国合伙人》票房三天破亿 盘点走俏电影



China’s domestic films are so far raking it in this year at the box office. Latest statistics show that the market is up by 43% on last year’s figures. With blockbusters including "Lost in Thailand," (人再囧途之泰囧)"Journey to the West,"(西游降魔) and recent productions "So Young"(致我们终将逝去的青春) and "American Dreams in China"(中国合伙人), the soaring influence of domestic films suggests that the Chinese film industry here is entering a next phase.



Analysts say the secret to success is not in spectacular visual effects or star-studded casts, but the stories themselves. And the storylines seem closer than ever to ordinary people’s lives. Many productions are also making full use of new media for promotional purposes, including huge streetside posters.



Some commentators also say the films stress traditional Chinese values, considered to be a good strategy of winning the hearts of audiences of all ages.






Remarks by the President on the Tornadoes and Severe Weather in Oklahoma





State Dining Room



THE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody. As we all know by now, a series of storms swept across the Plains yesterday, and one of the most destructive tornadoes in history sliced through the towns of Newcastle and Moore, Oklahoma. In an instant, neighborhoods were destroyed. Dozens of people lost their lives. Many more were injured. And among the victims were young children, trying to take shelter in the safest place they knew -- their school.



So our prayers are with the people of Oklahoma today.



Our gratitude is with the teachers who gave their all to shield their children; with the neighbors, first responders, and emergency personnel who raced to help as soon as the tornado passed; and with all of those who, as darkness fell, searched for survivors through the night.



As a nation, our full focus right now is on the urgent work of rescue, and the hard work of recovery and rebuilding that lies ahead.



Yesterday, I spoke with Governor Fallin to make it clear to Oklahomans that they would have all the resources that they need at their disposal. Last night, I issued a disaster declaration to expedite those resources, to support the Governor’s team in the immediate response, and to offer direct assistance to folks who have suffered loss. I also just spoke with Mayor Lewis of Moore, Oklahoma, to ensure that he’s getting everything that he needs.



I've met with Secretary Napolitano this morning and my Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor, Lisa Monaco, to underscore that point that Oklahoma needs to get everything that it needs right away. The FEMA Administrator, Craig Fugate, is on his way to Oklahoma as we speak. FEMA staff was first deployed to Oklahoma’s Emergency Operations Center on Sunday, as the state already was facing down the first wave of deadly tornadoes. Yesterday, FEMA activated Urban Search and Rescue Teams from Texas, Nebraska, and Tennessee to assist in the ongoing search and rescue efforts, and a mobile response unit to boost communications and logistical support.



So the people of Moore should know that their country will remain on the ground, there for them, beside them as long as it takes. For there are homes and schools to rebuild, businesses and hospitals to reopen, there are parents to console, first responders to comfort, and, of course, frightened children who will need our continued love and attention.



There are empty spaces where there used to be living rooms, and bedrooms, and classrooms, and, in time, we’re going to need to refill those spaces with love and laughter and community.



We don’t yet know the full extent of the damage from this week’s storm. We don't know both the human and economic losses that may have occurred. We know that severe rumbling of weather, bad weather, through much of the country still continues, and we're also preparing for a hurricane season that begins next week.



But if there is hope to hold on to, not just in Oklahoma but around the country, it's the knowledge that the good people there and in Oklahoma are better prepared for this type of storm than most. And what they can be certain of is that Americans from every corner of this country will be right there with them, opening our homes, our hearts to those in need. Because we're a nation that stands with our fellow citizens as long as it takes. We've seen that spirit in Joplin, in Tuscaloosa; we saw that spirit in Boston and Breezy Point. And that’s what the people of Oklahoma are going to need from us right now.



For those of you who want to help, you can go online right now to the American Red Cross, which is already on the ground in Moore. Already we've seen the University of Oklahoma announce that it will provide housing for displaced families. We've seen local churches and companies open their doors and their wallets. And last night, the people of Joplin dispatched a team to help the people of Moore.



So for all those who’ve been affected, we recognize that you face a long road ahead. In some cases, there will be enormous grief that has to be absorbed, but you will not travel that path alone. Your country will travel it with you, fueled by our faith in the Almighty and our faith in one another.



So our prayers are with the people of Oklahoma today. And we will back up those prayers with deeds for as long as it takes.



Thank you very much.





  • frightenedadj. 受惊的,受恐吓的
  • assistancen. 帮助,援助
  • primeadj. 最初的,首要的,最好的,典型的 n. 青春,壮
  • declarationn. 宣布,宣言
  • dauntingadj. 令人畏惧的
  • disposaln. 处理,处置,布置,配置 n. 垃圾粉碎机
  • spokev. 说,说话,演说
  • comfortn. 舒适,安逸,安慰,慰藉 vt. 安慰,使舒适
  • militaryadj. 军事的 n. 军队
  • underscorevt. 划线于,强调,提供伴奏乐 n. 下划线,影片伴奏