看短信学真美语 第5期:Nick和美国朋友的短信日常系列(5)
日期:2017-11-18 08:35


Hi everybody, this is Nick, welcome to teaching series "Nick's everyday texts with his American friends".
大家好,我是Nick. 欢迎来到"Nick和美国朋友的短信日常"。
So in this series, I will teach you guys some authentic phrases and slang by showing and explaining my texts with American people. 那通过讲解我本人,和美国朋友之间发的短信,来达到学习地道英文的效果。你也可以关注微博@黄宏敏Nick,还有微信公众号"铅笔英语"来获取更多免费内容。


好,接下来我们逐条分析,朋友说,you've gotta try hard to get back on a regular sleep schedule for school.就是说,你需要很努力才能回来正常的学校生物钟。某段时间流行的鸡汤,说,你需要很努力,才能xxxx比如,你需要很努力才能取得好成绩。那这个就可以这么翻译,you've gotta try hard to get good grades. 这里的gatta就是got to的意思,have to的意思,表示必须要。
2. I remember the time change messed me up when I was in Spain. mess sb up就是说让人很崩溃,相当于我们常说的devastated,mental breakdown前者多用于某事,(Receiving bad grades on this final messes me up, 收到考的很差的成绩单,搞得我很崩溃). 而后者多用于人主语。(I'm experiencing a mental breakdown right now, 我现在有点崩溃)
紧接着我回复,I def will go there next year,我明年肯定会去西班牙的,def是definitely的缩写。然后他回复我,I'd go to Barcelona then take a bullet train to Madrid. 这里要注意,前半句是个虚拟语气,省略了if I were you, I would go就是说他给我建议,他要是我的话,他就会先去巴塞罗那然后做个高铁去马德里。
后面他又补充,it's what I did,我就是这么干的,it worked out pretty good.事实证明很成功!work out,发展的很好,进展的顺利. This program worked out pretty well这个项目进展的很顺利。或者你建议你去做某事,然后你去做了,发现效果并不好,你就可以回答,it didn't work out,就是没有成功或者效果不好的意思。
1. you've gotta try hard to do sth 你必须要很努力才能...的意思。
2. mess sb up让人很崩溃。
3. def是definitely缩写。
4. work out发展的好,进展顺利的意思。
Alright, so this is pretty much it for this time, i'll see you guys next time, bye

