英语口语每日一招 第64招:疑问句型May I 询问如何到某人的办公室 购物英语(3)
日期:2013-12-21 17:30


1、 传授秘诀,口语入门 come in, relax
如何向别人提问(6)疑问句型May I …?
May I speak to Tom?
May I go to the movie?
我去看电影可以吗?:May I go to the movies?
我到外面玩儿可以吗?:May I go outside and play?
我今天可以晚一点回家可以吗?:May I stay out late tonight?
你要留言吗?:May I take a message?
我给你打电话可以吗?:May I give you a call?
我再吃一块派可以吗?:May I have another piece of pie?
2、 电话英语一点通 English for the telephone.
Doctor Lin's Office?
I need to make an appointment to see the doctor
How about 2 o'clock this afternoon?
Good, but can you tell me how to get to your office?
Mike's Mechanics Can I help you?
Yes, how to I get your shop from Shenlin?
Go straight up Zhongshan Road and you will see our sign on your right, after you pass the museum
Thank you very much.
3、 旅行英语一点通 Tourist English
Blush腮红 lipstick 唇膏 mascara睫毛膏 shadow影子 eye shadow 眼影 facial 脸上的 moisturizer 乳液 toner化妆水
I'm looking for some blush. Do you still have some peach rose?
Oh, yes, that is a beautiful color. It has been very popular blush this season.
I have two left.
Great, I'll take one.
Have you heard about our special promotion this month? If you purchase at least 18 dollar 50 cents in any Elizabeth Arden products you will receive this black poke with a sample of lipstick,mascara and two shadow of white shadow.
That sounds like bargain. I'm running low on facial moisturizer and toner. Could you run those up for me two along with the blush
I'd be glad to. Do you need anything else?
Oh,I almost forgot. It's my mum's birthday Saturday. I need to get her some more Chanel. Could you get me the 1.7 ounce bottle of Chanel cologne?
That would be my pleasure. I'll ripe the perfume up in the gift box for you too.

  • purchasevt. 买,购买 n. 购买,购买的物品 n. 支
  • peachn. 桃子,桃树,桃红色 v. 揭发,检举
  • mechanicsn. 力学,机械学,(技术的,操作的)过程,手法
  • poken. 刺,戳,袋 vt. 拨开,刺,戳 vi. 戳,刺,
  • blushn. 脸红,外观 vi. 泛红,羞愧
  • shadown. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处 vt. 投阴影于,跟踪
  • perfumen. 香水,香气 vt. 使香气弥漫
  • samplen. 样品,样本 vt. 采样,取样 adj. 样
  • promotionn. 晋升,促进,提升
  • popularadj. 流行的,大众的,通俗的,受欢迎的