诗歌翻译:陈恭尹-《读秦纪》 英文译文
日期:2020-08-27 10:10


陈恭尹(1631 ~1700)字元孝,初号半峰,晚号独漉子,又号罗浮布衣,汉族,广东顺德县(今佛山顺德区)龙山乡人。著名抗清志士陈邦彦之子。清初诗人,与屈大均、梁佩兰同称岭南三大家。又工书法,时称清初广东第一隶书高手。有《独漉堂全集》,诗文各15卷,词1卷。




Reading a Chronic of the Qin Dynasty

Chen Gongyn

Complains may be suppressed, grievances are hard to remove;1

However harsh, the law of Qin was not free of loopholes.

At midnight a youngster2 was called to a bridge;

There was extant in this world a military book.

1. Referring to the burning of classics in A.D. 213 by order of Qin Shihuang to suppress all opposition to centralization of feudal state power.

2. Referring to Zhang Liang, who later helped to exterminate the Qin Dynasty. At Xiapi he met an old man who had dropped a shoe under a bridge and asked him to put it on for him. Zhang did as he was told. The old man told Zhang to come and meet him at midnight. Twice Zhang was late. Finally when Zhang came to the bridge before the old man, the latter gave him a copy of The Patriarch Lü Shang’s Art of War (《太公兵法》).

