日期:2014-11-12 09:58


楚辞 离骚

小编导读:《离骚》是战国时期著名诗人屈原的代表作之一,是中国古代汉族诗歌史上一首最长的政治抒情诗。诗人从自叙身世、品德、理想写起,抒发了自己遭谗言被害的苦闷与矛盾心情,揭露了楚王昏庸、群小猖獗与朝政日非的政治现实,表现了诗人坚持“美政” 理想、不附和邪恶势力的自爱精神及对楚王朝至死不渝的忠诚。

屈原 《楚辞·离骚》







Li Sao

Qu Yuan

WAlthough the witches counsel I held good,
In foxlike indecision still I stood.
At night the wizard great made his descent,
And meeting him spiced rice I did present.

The angels came, shading with wings the sky;
From mountains wild the deities drew nigh.
With regal splendor shone the solemn sight,
And thus the wizard spake with omens bright:

"Take office high or low as days afford,
If one there be that could with thee accord;
Like ancient kings austere who sought their mate,
Finding the one who should fulfill their fate.

Now if thy heart doth cherish grace within,
What need is there to choose a go-between?
A convict toiled on rocks to expiate
His crime; his sovereign gave him great estate.

A butcher with his knife made roundelay;
His king chanced there and happy proved the day.
A prince who heard a cowherd chanting late
Raised him to be a councilor of state.

Before old age o' ertake thee on thy way,
Life still is young; to profit turn thy day.
Spring is but brief, when cuckoos start to sing,
And flowers will fade that once did spread and spring."


  • counseln. 商议,忠告,法律顾问 v. 商议,劝告
  • butchern. 屠夫,刽子手,肉商,小贩 vt. 屠宰,滥杀,将某
  • indecisionadj. 犹豫 n. 下不了决心,拿不定主意
  • splendorn. 光辉,壮丽,显赫
  • shadingn. 明暗法;描影法;底纹;遮蔽;留下阴影
  • maten. 伙伴,配偶,同事 vt. 使 ... 配对,使 .
  • gracen. 优美,优雅,恩惠 vt. 使荣耀,使优美
  • cherishvt. 珍爱,抚育,珍藏
  • solemnadj. 庄严的,严肃的,隆重的
  • accordn. 一致,符合 v. 使一致,调解,给予