雅思口语:describe a famous person that you are interested in
日期:2017-06-19 14:57


  雅思口语这一季又是复古题,再次出现describe a famous person that you are interested in!名人话题特别棒的一点就是,他们的身上全是闪光点,随便拿出来一位都是典型的励志故事,跟雅思考官都特别有话可聊,绝对不会冷场。就算你对他们的life story不熟悉,随便把别人的事迹按在他们身上也不会觉得牵强!下面就来看看迷倒万千少男少女的小才女邓紫棋(开头略过,咱们直奔主题,分别从各个方面介绍一下这位小天后):
  She's better known by her stage name G.E.M., an acronym for Get Everybody Moving, which stands for her music dreams.
  She was born in Shanghai and grew up with a musical background. At the age of four she migrated to Hong Kong. She released her self-titled debut album in 2008, and has since become one of Hong Kong's best-selling musical artists.
  Her fans gave her a nickname 'girl with giant lungs' because of her vocal range. I mean, she's got amazing singing voice and could hit super high pitches.
  I first knew her from the song 'Bubbles'. And later she became a guest in a talent show called 'I Am a Singer', since then, she has gained great popularity in China. And I just become madly in love with her.
  Her personality is what attracted me most, I mean, she's straightforward, never hides her feelings from the public, you know, she's just so real, not pretentious at all. And I guess that's the main reason why she's got so many fans all around the world.
  She encouraged me to be myself, no matter what other people think of me.
  She's absolutely talented, I mean, she's not just an excellent singer, but also a composer. She expresses her feelings and shares her experiences through the songs she wrote. And we could sense her positive energy from her music.
  stage name = a name that an actor uses instead of his or her real name
  acronym = a word formed from the first letters of the words that make up the name of something, for example 'AIDS' is an acronym for 'acquired immune deficiency syndrome'
  debut = the first public appearance of a performer or sports player 例如:
  He will make his debut for the first team this week.
  She's making her New York debut at Carnegie Hall.
  pretentious = trying to appear important, intelligent, etc. in order to impress other people; trying to be something that you are not, in order to impress 例如:
  That's a pretentious name for a dog!
  It was just an ordinary house—nothing pretentious.

  • composern. 创作者(尤指乐曲的)
  • rangen. 范围,行列,射程,山脉,一系列 v. 排列,归类于
  • appearancen. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面
  • pretentiousadj. 自负的,自命不凡的,炫耀的
  • debutn. 初次登场,首次露面 v. 初次登场
  • deficiencyn. 缺乏,不足,缺点
  • impressn. 印象,特徵,印记 v. 使 ... 有印象,影响,
  • talentedadj. 有才能的,有天赋的
  • straightforwardadj. 笔直的,率直的
  • absolutelyadv. 绝对地,完全地;独立地